Put down my favorite 17 random things---which is the main part of the tag!!!
So, this is my chance to redeem myself!
The rules of The Lovely Blog of Randomness Award are:
1. Display this award in some way on your blog.
2. Name 17 of your favorite random things.
3. Award 4 of your favorite random bloggers!
Make sure to check all of the nominee's blogs! I award:
Now it's time for the list of my 17 favorite random things!
- Not having to wash my makeup off every night...cause I don't wear makeup as often since school is out.
- Eyeliner.
- Getting Awards
- Random blog posts. (Those are the best.)
- Hanging out with my older cousins that I don't see very often.
- Walden Books:)
- When you stumble across some tv show or song that you haven't heard/watched in a looongg time!
- Toy Story♥
- Strawberry newtons. Mmm...
- Rolling down hills
- Doing random stuff w/ my BFF Hannah.
- Laughing hysterically at the lunch table.
- Secretely changing things around the house to pester my mom. ;)
- My pink blankie.
- not capitalizing sentences.and then putting no space between the first & second sentences.
- Using "&" instead of typing "and."
- Writing posts for this blog. :)
There ya go people!
10 little epic thoughts...:
Ew I hate no capitols or spaces! ut I do love to use & instead of and.
hahaha Rolling down hills is fun. I have a fantastic story to tell you about a hill remind me to tell you next time we speak ;)
Have a good day little munchkin.
Maly Ox. haha so do you like my new thing of putting the O in front of the X. have you noticed no one ever does that?!
Maly Xx.
I love random things! They're so . . . random. :)
I went on your OTHER BLOG! Oh, I'm so stupid! I must have sounded so weird! Oh, goodness, soz! I'll take this now.
Cool!! Congrats on your 1st award!
I'm soo excited to see Toy Story 3 aren't you?!
Thank you so much for your award! I am so excited :). Oh, by the way, you have a beautiful blog :).
addie-yes verryy.
kipa-thank you!
Cool, I made that award!! Congrats :)
<3 <3
Thanx! :)
Toy Story!!!
Lovely post.
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